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Draw Watercolor Painting Easy With Broadvision School

Draw Watercolor Painting Easy For Beginners With Broadvision World School


Watercolor Painting is a beautiful art form that allows individuals to express their creativity with ease and fluidity. Unlike other mediums, watercolor painting is known for its forgiving nature, making it an ideal choice for beginners and seasoned artists alike. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know to start your journey into the world of Watercolor Painting.

Getting Started with Watercolor Painting

Watercolor Paints: Get a basic set of paints made specifically for watercolors. These paints come in little tubes or pans and have lots of different colors. It’s good to have a variety so you can mix them to create even more colors. These paints are special because they’re made to mix with water and spread easily on paper.

Watercolor Paper: You need special paper for Watercolor Painting. It’s thicker and tougher than regular paper because it needs to hold up to the water in the paint without getting all wrinkly or falling apart. Look for paper that’s specifically made for watercolors to get the best results.

Paintbrushes: You’ll need some brushes to apply the paint to the paper. Soft-bristled brushes work best for watercolors because they soak up the water and paint nicely. Get a few different sizes so you can paint big areas and tiny details.

Palette: This is where you’ll mix your paint. You can use a special palette, which is like a little tray with sections for each color, or just a clean, flat surface like a plate. Mixing your colors on a palette lets you create all sorts of shades and tones.

Water Containers: You’ll need two containers of water—one for cleaning your brushes and one for mixing with your paint. Make sure to keep them separate so you don’t accidentally get paint in your clean water.

Masking Tape: This is like sticky tape that you can use to stick your paper down to a flat surface while you paint. It helps keep your paper from moving around and gives you nice clean edges on your painting.

Paper Towels: Keep some paper towels handy while you paint. You can use them to blot your brush or soak up any excess water or paint from your paper. They’re also good for wiping off your brushes if you need to switch colors.

Having all these things ready before you start painting will make the process much easier and more enjoyable.

Setting up your workspace

It’s important to create a comfortable and organized workspace before diving into your painting. Make sure you have ample natural light and a flat surface to work on. Keep your paints and brushes within easy reach for quick access.

Understanding Watercolor Techniques

Wet-on-wet technique

The wet-on-wet technique involves applying wet paint onto a wet surface. This technique creates soft edges and blends colors seamlessly together.

Wet-on-dry technique

In contrast, the wet-on-dry technique involves applying wet paint onto a dry surface. This technique allows for more control and precision, perfect for adding details to your painting.

Dry brushing

Dry brushing is a technique where you use very little water on your brush to create textured and expressive brushstrokes. This technique is great for adding highlights and fine details to your artwork.

Exploring Color Theory

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Colors: Primary colors are the basic colors that cannot be made by mixing other colors. Secondary colors are created by mixing two primary colors. Tertiary colors are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. Understanding how these colors work together helps you create balanced and harmonious compositions.

Color Mixing Tips: Mixing different colors allows you to create new shades and tones. Start with a few primary colors and experiment with mixing them to see what colors you can create. As you practice, you’ll become more comfortable with mixing and expanding your color palette.

Basic Watercolor Painting Techniques for Beginners

Blending colors

Blending colors means mixing them together smoothly. You can do this by applying wet paint next to each other and gently blending them with a clean brush or with water.

Creating gradients

Gradients can add depth and dimension to your paintings. Start with a light wash of color and gradually build up layers to create a smooth transition from light to dark.

Adding texture

Texture adds interest to your paintings. You can experiment with techniques like sprinkling salt on wet paint or using a dry brush to create texture in your artwork.

Draw Watercolor Painting Easy With Broadvision School
Draw Watercolor Painting Easy With Broadvision School

80 Easy Watercolor Painting Ideas For Beginners


  1. A serene countryside scene
  2. A misty forest
  3. A tranquil lake at sunset
  4. Rolling hills in springtime


  1. A playful puppy
  2. A graceful cat
  3. A majestic horse
  4. Colorful tropical fish

Flowers and plants

  1. A blooming rose
  2. A field of sunflowers
  3. Delicate cherry blossoms
  4. Lush green foliage

Abstract designs

  1. Swirling patterns
  2. Geometric shapes
  3. Bold brushstroke experiments
  4. Splatter painting techniques

Food and drink

  1. A ripe, juicy fruit
  2. A steaming cup of coffee
  3. Vibrant vegetables
  4. Delicious desserts

Beach scenes

  1. A sandy shoreline with crashing waves
  2. Seashells scattered on the sand
  3. A colorful beach umbrella against a blue sky
  4. Footprints in the sand leading to the water


  1. A fiery orange sunset over the ocean
  2. Silhouettes of palm trees against a sunset sky
  3. A peaceful lakeside sunset
  4. A dramatic mountain sunset


  1. A vibrant rainbow arcing across the sky
  2. A rainbow reflected in a puddle
  3. A rainbow emerging after a storm
  4. A double rainbow stretching across the landscape

Birds and butterflies

  1. A graceful swan gliding on a pond
  2. Colorful butterflies fluttering among flowers
  3. A majestic eagle soaring in the sky
  4. A flock of birds in flight

Trees and foliage

  1. A towering oak tree in a forest
  2. Autumn leaves in shades of red, orange, and yellow
  3. A lush tropical jungle scene
  4. Blossoming cherry trees in springtime

Exploring Different Styles

Realism: Realism is all about making paintings that look just like real life. Artists who paint in this style pay a lot of attention to every little detail. They want their paintings to be so accurate that you might think you’re looking at a photograph! To do this, they have to be very patient and really look closely at what they’re painting.

Impressionism: Impressionism is a bit different. Instead of trying to make things look super realistic, impressionist painters focus on capturing the feeling of a moment. They use quick, loose brushstrokes and lots of bright colors to show how light and atmosphere can change the way things look. So, instead of seeing every little detail, you get more of a sense of how things feel.

Minimalism: Minimalism is about keeping things simple. Instead of filling up their paintings with lots of stuff, minimalist artists use just a few simple shapes, colors, or lines to get their point across. They want you to focus on the most important parts of their artwork without getting distracted by anything else. It’s kind of like saying a lot with just a little.

Surrealism: Surrealism is like stepping into a dream world. Surrealist painters create artworks that don’t make sense in the real world. They mix together strange or unexpected things to create weird and wonderful scenes. It’s all about letting your imagination run wild and exploring the world of dreams and fantasies. When you look at a surrealist painting, you might feel like you’re in a dream yourself!

Tips for Successful Watercolor Painting

Start Small: Begin by trying out simple projects when you’re just starting with watercolor painting. Start with easy subjects like simple shapes or basic objects. As you become more comfortable and confident with your skills, you can gradually try more challenging projects.

Practice Regularly: Make sure to practice your watercolor painting regularly. Set aside some time each day or week to work on your art. The more you practice, the better you’ll become. It’s like exercising a muscle – the more you do it, the stronger you get!

Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try out different techniques and styles with your watercolor painting. Experiment with how much water you use, different brushstrokes, and mixing colors. It’s all about exploring and finding what works best for you. Sometimes, the most unexpected techniques can create beautiful effects!

Learn from Others: Look for inspiration from other artists and tutorials. You can find lots of helpful resources online, like video tutorials or blogs. Don’t hesitate to learn from others and incorporate their tips and tricks into your own painting practice. Learning from others can help you grow as an artist and discover new techniques.

Have Fun: Most importantly, remember to have fun with your watercolor painting! Enjoy the process of creating art and embrace the unpredictability of watercolors. Sometimes, the best results come from happy accidents or spontaneous creativity. So relax, let loose, and enjoy the journey of painting with watercolors!

Benefits of Watercolor Painting

Stress Relief: Doing creative activities like Watercolor Painting can help you feel less stressed and more relaxed. When you paint, you can focus on the colors and shapes, which can take your mind off of things that are worrying you. It’s like taking a break for your brain.

Improved Focus and Concentration: Painting needs you to pay attention and concentrate on what you’re doing. This can help your brain become better at focusing on tasks and thinking clearly. So, when you practice painting, you’re also practicing focusing, which can help you in other parts of your life where you need to concentrate.

Boosted Creativity: When you paint, you get to use your imagination and come up with new ideas. This creativity can spill over into other parts of your life, like problem-solving or thinking of new things to do. So, painting isn’t just about making pretty pictures—it’s also about exercising your creativity muscle and coming up with new and exciting things.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overworking the Paper: This means that if you keep scrubbing or redoing parts of your painting too much, you might end up damaging the paper and making the colors look muddy. It’s like when you rub a pencil on a piece of paper too hard, and it starts to tear or smudge. So, it’s important to be gentle and not overdo it when you’re painting.

Using Too Much Water: When you use too much water while painting, the colors can spread out too much and mix together in a way that you can’t control. It’s similar to when you spill water on a piece of paper and the ink from your pen starts to spread everywhere. So, it’s important to be careful and use just the right amount of water to get the colors to behave the way you want them to.

Neglecting Color Mixing: Mixing colors is like mixing different ingredients to make a recipe. If you don’t take the time to experiment with mixing colors together, you might miss out on creating new and interesting shades. It’s like if you only use one color of paint instead of mixing different colors together to make new ones, your painting might look a bit dull.

Ignoring Composition: Composition is like the arrangement of things in your painting. Just like when you arrange furniture in a room to make it look nice, you need to think about how you arrange the elements in your painting to make it look balanced and pleasing to the eye. If you ignore composition, your painting might look messy or unbalanced, like if you randomly threw furniture around in a room without thinking about where it should go.

Comparing Yourself to Others: Everyone learns and improves at their own pace. It’s like how some people learn to ride a bike faster than others. If you spend too much time comparing your paintings to other people’s, you might feel discouraged or like you’re not good enough. Instead, focus on your own progress and celebrate how far you’ve come.

Broadvision World School will help you learn Watercolor Painting by teaching you easy step-by-step techniques. We provide simple instructions and guidance so that even beginners can understand and create beautiful paintings. With Our support, you can explore your creativity and develop your skills in a fun and enjoyable way.


Watercolor Painting is a versatile and rewarding medium that offers endless opportunities for creativity and self-expression. With the right techniques, inspiration, and practice, beginners can quickly develop their skills and create beautiful works of art. So grab your brushes and paints, and let your imagination soar as you explore the magical world of Watercolor Painting !

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1. Can anyone learn Watercolor Painting, even if they have no prior experience?

Absolutely! Watercolor Painting is a versatile medium that is accessible to artists of all skill levels.

2. Do I need expensive materials to start watercolor painting?

While high-quality materials can enhance your painting experience, you can still create beautiful artworks with affordable supplies.

3. How can I fix mistakes in my Watercolor Paintings?

Mistakes are a natural part of the artistic process. You can often lift off unwanted paint with a clean, damp brush or use masking fluid to preserve areas of your painting.

4. How do I know when my Watercolor Painting is finished?

Knowing when to stop painting is a skill that develops with experience. Trust your instincts and remember that sometimes less is more.

5. Where can I find inspiration for my Watercolor Paintings ?

Inspiration can be found everywhere, from nature and everyday objects to other artists’ work. Keep a sketchbook handy to jot down ideas and sketches as they come to you.

6. What is Watercolor Painting?

Watercolor Painting involves using pigments suspended in water to create vibrant and translucent artworks. The transparency of watercolor allows for layers to be built up gradually, resulting in a luminous and ethereal quality to the paintings.

7. Why is it considered easy?

One of the reasons Watercolor Painting is considered easy is its forgiving nature. Unlike oil or acrylic paints, watercolor can be easily corrected or manipulated even after it has dried. This makes it a perfect medium for beginners who may be apprehensive about making mistakes.

8. Why Watercolor Painting is popular among beginners?

Watercolor Painting is popular among beginners for its forgiving nature and fluidity. Unlike other mediums, watercolor allows for mistakes to be easily corrected and encourages experimentation.

9. Can I mix different brands of Watercolor Paints?

Yes, you can mix different brands of watercolor paints, but be aware that the quality and pigmentation may vary, so it’s best to test them out beforehand.

10. How do I prevent my paper from buckling?

Stretching your watercolor paper before painting can help prevent buckling. Alternatively, you can use a heavier weight paper or tape down the edges of your paper to minimize warping.

11. What is masking fluid, and how do I use it?

Masking fluid is a liquid latex solution that can be applied to areas of your painting to preserve the white of the paper. Once dry, it can be painted over, and then peeled away to reveal clean, white highlights.

12. How can I add texture to my Watercolor Paintings?

You can add texture to your Watercolor Painting by using various techniques such as salt sprinkling, plastic wrap pressing, or lifting color with a dry brush or sponge.

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Draw Watercolor Painting Easy With Broadvision School

Draw Watercolor Painting Easy With Broadvision School


  • Virendra

    May 15, 2024

    very nice blog, thanks for all the information.

  • Ridhima

    May 15, 2024

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  • Squierlfl

    May 19, 2024

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