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Learn Mathematics Easy at Broadvision World School

Learn Mathematics Easy at Broadvision World School


Learning math can be a daunting task for many children, but it doesn’t have to be. At Broadvision World School, we believe in making Mathematics Easy and enjoyable for all students. Whether your child is just starting their math journey or needs a little extra help, this guide will provide you with the tools and techniques to help them succeed.

Why Learn Math Easily?

The Benefits of Easy Math Learning

Learning math in an easy and engaging way has numerous benefits. It helps children build confidence, reduces anxiety, and fosters a love for learning. When math is made simple and fun, children are more likely to develop a positive attitude towards the subject, leading to better academic performance and a solid foundation for future learning.

Overcoming Math Anxiety

Many children experience math anxiety, which can hinder their ability to learn and enjoy the subject. By using techniques that make math approachable and less intimidating, we can help children overcome this anxiety. Fun activities, interactive lessons, and positive reinforcement are key strategies in reducing math-related stress.

Building a Strong Foundation

A strong foundation in Basic Math Concepts is crucial for future success. At Broadvision World School, we emphasize the importance of mastering fundamental skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These skills are the building blocks for more advanced math topics and real-life problem-solving.

Understanding Basic Math Concepts

Numbers and Counting

The first step in learning math is understanding numbers and counting. Children learn to recognize and write numbers, count objects, and understand the concept of quantity. Simple exercises like counting toys or steps can make learning numbers fun and relatable.

Addition and Subtraction

Once children are comfortable with numbers, they move on to addition and subtraction. Using visual aids like number lines and counters, children learn to add and subtract in a way that makes sense to them. For example, using apples to demonstrate adding and taking away items helps children grasp these concepts quickly.

Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and division are introduced as repeated addition and subtraction. Using arrays, grouping objects, and simple word problems, children learn to understand these operations. Real-life examples, such as sharing snacks among friends, make these concepts easier to grasp.

Learning Math with Fun Activities

Math Games and Puzzles

Incorporating games and puzzles into math lessons is a great way to Make Learning Math fun. Games like Sudoku, math bingo, and card games that involve numbers help children practice their skills while having fun. Puzzles that require logical thinking and problem-solving also enhance their math abilities.

Interactive Math Apps

There are numerous interactive math apps available that turn learning into a game. Apps like Mathletics, Khan Academy Kids, Prodigy and DragonBox make math engaging and interactive. These apps provide instant feedback and adapt to the child’s learning pace, making them an excellent tool for reinforcing math concepts.

Real-life Math Scenarios

Applying math to real-life scenarios helps children see the relevance of what they’re learning. Activities like cooking (measuring ingredients), shopping (calculating costs), and planning trips (estimating travel time) provide practical applications of math skills. This approach makes math tangible and meaningful.

Math Learning Tools and Resources

Educational Websites

Websites like Coolmath4kids, Funbrain, and Math Playground offer a plethora of resources, including games, videos, and worksheets. These sites make learning math interactive and enjoyable, providing a variety of activities to suit different learning styles.

Math Workbooks and Worksheets

Traditional resources like workbooks and worksheets are still valuable tools for learning math. They provide structured practice and help reinforce concepts taught in the classroom. Workbooks from publishers like Kumon and Scholastic are particularly popular for their comprehensive and age-appropriate content.

Online Tutorials and Videos

Online tutorials and videos are excellent resources for visual and auditory learners. Websites like YouTube and educational platforms like Khan Academy, Byjus offer step-by-step explanations of math concepts. These resources can be particularly helpful for children who need additional support outside of the classroom.

Teaching Methods at Broadvision World School

Personalized Learning Plans

At Broadvision World School, we understand that every child learns at their own pace. Personalized learning plans tailored to each student’s strengths and weaknesses ensure that they receive the support they need to succeed. These plans are regularly updated based on the child’s progress.

Small Group Instruction

Small group instruction allows for more individualized attention and interaction. Teachers can provide targeted support and address specific areas where students may be struggling. This approach fosters a collaborative learning environment and encourages peer-to-peer learning.

Hands-on Learning Experiences

Hands-on learning is a core part of our teaching philosophy. Using manipulatives like blocks, beads, and other tactile materials, children can physically interact with math concepts. This method helps them understand abstract ideas in a concrete way, making learning more effective and enjoyable.

Learn Mathematics Easy at Broadvision World School

Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns. It helps us understand the world around us and solve problems in everyday life. At Broadvision World School, we believe in making math enjoyable and accessible for all children.

Learn Mathematics Easy at Broadvision World School
Learn Mathematics Easy at Broadvision World School

Numbers and Counting

What are Numbers?

Numbers are symbols that represent quantities. They help us count, measure, and label things.


Counting is the process of determining the number of elements in a set. Let’s start with counting from 1 to 10.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


  • Counting Apples: If you have 3 apples and you get 2 more, you now have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 apples.


  • Count the number of pencils in your pencil case.
  • Count the steps you take to reach your classroom.

Addition and Subtraction


Addition is combining two or more numbers to get a total.

Example: 2 + 3 = 5

If you have 2 balloons and get 3 more, you have 5 balloons in total.


Subtraction is taking one number away from another.

Example: 5 – 2 = 3

If you have 5 candies and eat 2, you have 3 candies left.


  • Add the number of books you read this week to the number of books you read last week.
  • Subtract the number of cookies you gave to your friend from the total number you had.

Multiplication and Division


Multiplication is repeated addition.

Example: 3 x 2 = 6

This means 3 groups of 2, or 2 + 2 + 2 = 6.


Division is splitting into equal parts.

Example: 6 ÷ 2 = 3

This means splitting 6 into 2 equal groups of 3.


  • Multiply the number of legs on a chair (4) by the number of chairs in your classroom.
  • Divide the number of candies you have by the number of friends you want to share them with.

Fractions and Decimals


A fraction represents a part of a whole.

Example: 1/2 means one half.


Decimals are another way to represent fractions.

Example: 0.5 is the same as 1/2.


  • Cut a pizza into 8 slices and see what fraction each slice represents.
  • Convert the fraction of a slice of cake you ate into a decimal.

Shapes and Geometry

Basic Shapes

  • Circle
  • Square
  • Triangle
  • Rectangle


Geometry is the study of shapes and their properties.


  • A circle is round and has no corners.
  • A square has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles.


  • Identify shapes in your classroom.
  • Draw different shapes and label their properties.


Units of Measurement

  • Length (meter, centimeter)
  • Weight (kilogram, gram)
  • Volume (liter, milliliter)


  • Measure the length of your desk in centimeters.
  • Weigh your school bag in kilograms.


  • Measure the height of a plant in your garden.
  • Fill a cup with water and measure its volume in milliliters.


Reading a Clock

  • Analog clock: Has hour and minute hands.
  • Digital clock: Displays time in numbers.


  • 3:00 means 3 o’clock.
  • 3:30 means half past 3.


  • Tell the time on an analog clock.
  • Set an alarm for your favorite TV show.


Understanding Money

  • Coins and bills have different values.


  • 1 dollar = 100 cents.


  • Count the money in your piggy bank.
  • Add the cost of items you want to buy.

Word Problems

Solving Word Problems

  1. Read the problem carefully.
  2. Identify what is being asked.
  3. Write down the relevant numbers and operations.
  4. Solve step by step.


  • Problem: Sarah has 5 apples. She buys 3 more. How many apples does she have now?
  • Solution: 5 + 3 = 8 apples.


  • Create your own word problems and solve them.
  • Solve problems with a friend and check each other’s work.

Fun Math Activities

Math Games

  • Number Bingo: Create bingo cards with numbers and call out sums or differences.
  • Shape Hunt: Find objects that match specific shapes around your home or school.

Math Puzzles

  • Sudoku: Fill in the grid so each row, column, and box contains the numbers 1-9.
  • Tangrams: Use geometric shapes to create pictures.

Real-life Math

  • Cooking: Measure ingredients for a recipe.
  • Shopping: Calculate the total cost of items and the change you should get back.

Encouraging a Growth Mindset

Positive Reinforcement Techniques

Positive reinforcement can significantly boost a child’s confidence and motivation. Praise their efforts, celebrate their successes, and provide constructive feedback. This approach helps children develop a growth mindset and encourages them to persevere through challenges.

Celebrating Small Wins

Celebrating small achievements, such as mastering a new math concept or improving test scores, can keep children motivated. Use reward systems like stickers, certificates, or extra playtime to acknowledge their hard work and progress.

Developing a Love for Learning

Fostering a love for learning is essential for long-term success. Encourage curiosity, ask open-ended questions, and explore math topics that interest your child. When children are genuinely interested in what they’re learning, they’re more likely to stay engaged and retain information.

Parental Involvement in Math Learning

Helping with Homework

Parents play a crucial role in their child’s math education. Helping with homework and providing additional practice at home can reinforce what is learned in school. Make homework time a positive experience by offering support and encouragement.

Engaging in Math-related Activities at Home

Engage your child in math-related activities at home. Play math games, solve puzzles together, and incorporate math into everyday tasks like cooking and shopping. These activities Make Learning Math fun and part of daily life.

Communicating with Teachers

Regular communication with teachers ensures that parents are aware of their child’s progress and can provide support where needed. Attend parent-teacher conferences, ask for feedback, and collaborate with teachers to help your child succeed.

Using Technology to Enhance Math Learning

Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards in classrooms make learning dynamic and interactive. Teachers can use them to demonstrate math problems, show videos, and engage students in interactive activities. This technology makes lessons more engaging and helps students visualize complex concepts.

Educational Math Software

Educational math software provides interactive lessons and practice problems. Programs like MathBlaster and DreamBox adapt to the student’s learning level and offer personalized instruction. These tools Make Learning Math more engaging and effective.

Virtual Classrooms

Virtual classrooms offer flexibility and access to a wide range of resources. Students can participate in live lessons, access recorded sessions, and collaborate with peers online. This approach is particularly beneficial for remote learning or additional support outside of school hours.

Creating a Math-friendly Environment

Setting Up a Math Corner at Home

Create a dedicated math corner at home with resources like books, manipulatives, and educational games. This space should be inviting and free from distractions, encouraging children to explore math concepts in a comfortable environment.

Encouraging Curiosity and Questions

Encourage your child to ask questions and explore math topics that interest them. Foster a sense of curiosity by discussing how math applies to the world around them. This approach helps children see the relevance of math in everyday life.

Providing Math-related Books and Toys

Books and toys that incorporate math concepts can make learning fun and engaging. Look for storybooks with math themes, puzzle books, and educational toys like building blocks and counting games. These resources make math accessible and enjoyable.

Overcoming Common Math Challenges

Addressing Math Phobia

Math phobia can be a significant barrier to learning. Address this issue by creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Use positive reinforcement, break down complex problems into manageable steps, and provide plenty of practice opportunities.

Breaking Down Complex Problems

Complex math problems can be intimidating. Teach children to break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, solving a multi-step word problem can be simplified by tackling one step at a time. This approach makes problems less overwhelming and easier to solve.

Seeking Extra Help When Needed

If your child is struggling with math, don’t hesitate to seek extra help. Tutoring, after-school programs, and online resources can provide additional support. Collaborate with teachers to identify areas of difficulty and develop strategies to address them.

Math Enrichment Programs

After-school Math Clubs

After-school math clubs offer a fun and supportive environment for children to practice and improve their math skills. These clubs often include games, competitions, and collaborative projects that Make Learning Math enjoyable.

Math Competitions and Olympiads

Math competitions and Olympiads provide opportunities for children to challenge themselves and showcase their skills. Participating in these events can boost confidence and foster a competitive spirit. They also offer a chance to connect with peers who share similar interests.

Summer Math Camps

Summer math camps provide intensive learning experiences in a fun and relaxed setting. These camps often include hands-on activities, field trips, and interactive lessons that make math exciting. They are a great way to keep children engaged in learning during the summer break.

Tracking Progress and Celebrating Success

Regular Assessments and Feedback

Regular assessments and feedback are essential for tracking progress and identifying areas for improvement. Use quizzes, tests, and informal assessments to monitor your child’s understanding of math concepts. Provide constructive feedback to help them grow.

Reward Systems

Implement reward systems to motivate your child and celebrate their achievements. Rewards can be simple, like stickers or extra playtime, or more substantial, like a special outing. Recognizing their hard work and progress encourages continued effort and enthusiasm.

Sharing Success Stories

Sharing success stories can inspire and motivate children. Highlight examples of individuals who have overcome challenges and achieved success in math. Discussing role models and real-life success stories shows children that hard work and perseverance pay off.


Learning math doesn’t have to be a struggle. With the right approach, resources, and support, children can learn math easily and enjoyably. At Broadvision World School, we are committed to providing an engaging and supportive learning environment that helps every child succeed. Encourage your child to embrace math, celebrate their successes, and watch as they develop a lifelong love for learning.

Learn Easy Math with Broadvision World School
Learn Easy Math with Broadvision World School


What age should children start learning math?

Children can start learning Basic Math Concepts as early as preschool. Activities like counting, sorting, and recognizing shapes help build a foundation for more advanced math skills.

How can I help my child if they struggle with math?

If your child struggles with math, provide extra support at home, seek help from teachers or tutors, and use interactive tools and resources to teach Math Easily. Encouragement and patience are key to helping them overcome challenges.

Are online math games effective for learning?

Yes, online math games can be very effective for learning Math Easily. They make math fun and interactive, providing immediate feedback and adapting to the child’s learning pace.

What are some good Math apps for children ?

Some good math apps for children include Mathletics, Khan Academy Kids, DragonBox, and Prodigy. These apps offer engaging and educational content tailored to different age groups and learning levels to make Mathematics Easy.

How can I make math fun for my child ?

Make math fun by incorporating games, puzzles, and real-life scenarios into learning. Use positive reinforcement, celebrate small wins, and explore math topics that interest your child. This wil make Mathematics Easy for your child.

Learn Easy Mathematics at Broadvision World School
Learn Easy Mathematics at Broadvision World School

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